Cher Membre,
L’Economist Club Luxembourg a le grand plaisir de vous inviter à la réunion statutaire avec
Madame (Dr.) Aline Muller, CEO du LISER
Thème de la conférence : « Les enjeux de la recherche publique à Luxembourg »
Son financement et son impact sur le développement du pays
Focus sur la recherche en sciences économiques et sociales
Nous allons nous réunir le lundi 2 décembre 2019 à 11h45 au Cercle Munster (5-7 r. Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg). Lunch à partir de 12:15.
Nous vous remercions de nous confirmer votre participation pour le mercredi 27 novembre 2019 au plus tard.
Vous pouvez toujours vous inscrire en communiquant votre participation par courriel à l’adresse et en versant 50 EUR/membre ou 60 EUR/invité(e) sur le compte ECL (LU34 1111 0299 9320 0000). Communication: vos prénom et nom – statutaire Aline Muller.
Merci de noter que l’ECL appliquera la no show policy.
Dans l’attente de vous y accueillir, le Conseil d’Administration de l’ECL vous adresse ses meilleures salutations.
Nicolas Simons, Président
Economist Club Luxembourg asbl – B.P. 685 – L-2016 Luxembourg
Consultez régulièrement le site pour connaître tous les évènements.
Aline Muller is Chief Executive Officer of LISER (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research). With research traversing three departments (Living Conditions, Labour Market and Urban Development & Mobility) LISER is an interdisciplinary publicly funded research institute devoted to applied empirical research in economic, social and spatial sciences. Aline is as well Finance Professor of HEC Management School of the University of Liège in Belgium.
Aline’s work has been presented at numerous leading international conferences and has been published in various top ranked journals like the Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, etc. She coordinated and is partly still coordinating a wide range of cooperation, data collection and research projects – mostly in the field of finance, governance and policy reforms, international trade and social wellbeing. She is actively engaged in a very dense and effective international network both in the academic and practitioners’ world: the objective is to promote scientific excellence, constructive cooperation among researchers as well as policy and market relevant research outputs.
Aline has been teaching finance and applied econometric courses since 2004 mainly at the master, executive and doctoral level at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, Maastricht University and University of Liège. She has moreover been frequently lecturing at numerous universities in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australasia.
Aline Muller is member of the Advisory Board of the Belgian Ministry of Cooperation focusing on the Coherence of Development Policies. In Luxembourg she was member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Research Fund (2010 – 2014).
At an international level Aline is member of the European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities as well as member of many renowned academic finance associations. She has been organizing, chairing and actively participating in the program committees of numerous leading international finance conferences.